How do we live today? How might we live tomorrow? What does ‘living’ entail in an environment (urban/rural)? When eating working, socializing, and exercising are dispersed or confined, where is the living? What might be the spatial arrangement of such a dispersed/confined living? How does it relate to the city? How might the pandemic experience affect the current living arrangements of/within the city? Based on the possibilities of alternate ways of living offered/experienced during the pandemic, what might be the meaningful relationship that we can imagine between wo/man and the environment today and in the near future (post pandemic, shifting climate, and the general environmental crisis)?

Spiderman and Deadpool, as the most well-known superheroes, often occupied their lives in urban cities. The site of the annex structure is located within Crescent Drive Park. The specific site provides a quiet getaway environment and allows the two busy men to hang out.

Design Evolution
How does Deadpool’s space interact with Spiderman’s space.

Spiderman is a friendly neighbor teenager who loves to show off his suits; the annex offered him transparent tension nets to jump and ceilings around. The collage has Spiderman shooting his net all over the place, just like what he does all the time. The annex provided a space for Deadpool to face the true self; this space is made with malleable metal; he may punch any side of the walls while looking at himself to express the anger. The shape, in a way, transfers violence into aesthetics.

Plan and Section
Deadpool's space is in the center of the structure; he needs a sense of privacy when taking off his suit. However, Spiderman could enjoy all the interaction with the public. The panel on the bottom is the gathering space for these two old friends; the metal panel can support their punching, jumping, fighting, etc.