If there is no “away”, how can we can we critically investigate notions of contextual space beyond the scale of our immediate living space? How do larger contexts and systems affect our living, its past, present and future? How can larger understandings of systems be developed from discreet investigations of space? How can we read, observe, record, examine and respond to such contexts and systems? How can we record temporal conditions of space or project these conditions from static readings? How do we translate tactile, embodied experiences of space in or on the framework of a map? What might be the strategies, the layers, fragments, and subsystems, effective in understanding and framing the processes embedded within space? How can the act of mapping produce new understandings or narratives of spaces within our everyday milieu?
Group Map
Cole, Lily, Alyssa, Kylie, Dorothy, Alieha, Ray, Kira

This project intended to study and map the smell of the Broadway Assiniboine area. The site I have chosen include several places that produce the majority smell within the field. Dots are used to represent the smell and a variety of colors used to differentiate the types. Along with the door opens, smell coming out of the building and dissipate as time goes.
In terms of model making, I chose cotton balls to describe the smell. Cotton and smell both share the character of lightness. Within the cotton floating in the air, demonstrating the direction that smells going to.
Site Visit

Individual Node Map

