How do you qualify the difference between intervention and engagement within a chosen site? How can we engage and potentially activate or reveal the latencie within a chosen context? Can we imagine elements (catalytic) that engage, participate, modulate, and or initiate changes in the material spatial/temporal processes of this context? How can we establish meaningful rela8onships between the fragments and with the larger framework? How can we recognize the vitality; and support or extend critical linkages and agencies with non-human beings? How can an intervention with discreet elements or processes within a context transform its associations? What is the necessary scale (or scales) of action required to enact a spatial / temporal experience?

Scent as something invisible and temporary, we tend to not pay much attention to it. What if the smell is visible and permanent? A series of smells were explored through P3. This installation intends to study smell from another perspective. Each of the chemical structure diagrams was built with wooden sticks, and they have been soaked into the individual liquid for a fair amount of time to absorb the smell. The installation is presenting the permanent scent diagram along with the temporary smell.

Due to COVID, considered people might do not want to touch anything, each rope has been soaked into the corresponding liquid. So that without touching the container you may still be able to smell.

How does the installation placed on the site.